All solar projects developed in Massachusetts (MA), New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ) and Rhode Island (RI) with Laketricity could benefit from a State Community Solar program. But what does this program consist of? In short, as a pond owner hosting a floating solar project, you can join the local Community Solar program and benefit from the electricity generated from the project. The floating solar plant will generate more solar energy into the grid which will benefit to all interested subscribers : citizens, companies and any customers.
Benefit from state community solar program by subscribing to a solar farm in your community.
Receive a discount off your utility bill of ~10%.
Thanks to your subscription, we’re one step closer to meet your local renewable energy goals.
Your community benefit from your solar farm energy and discounts.
Control and reduce your energy costs by getting guaranteed savings from incentive credits applied to your electric bills
Take climate action and help meeting your local renewable energy goals.
Host FPV on your water body
Laketricity takes care of the solar system
Subscribe to your local community solar program
Benefit from your discount directly on your energy bill
Submit your application