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Development of the floating photovoltaic power plant project

Are you permanently present on my land during that period ?

In order to complete all of the studies prior to the preparation of the construction permit file, approximately 10 to 20 visits to the site (the equivalent of ½ day in total) by the team for performing surveys, environmental assessments and technical site visits for detailed design during the first 24 months.

Once the project is in operation, it is recommended to count at least 4 visits per year for the maintenance operations of the power plant.

What happen to my land during the option period ?

Site remains at your entire disposal and you’re free to use it as usual.

In parallel to obtain authorizations from the various authorities having jurisdiction, we must carry out feasibility, impact and technical studies. 

If the results are favorable to the development of the power plant, we then obtain all necessary agreements : grid-connection, urbanism compatibility, environmental surveys, all building permits. It takes 2 to 4 years to conduct these studies and obtain all authorizations.

To learn more about our scope, click here.

What is the promise to lease duration ?

The optimal duration to lead the floating solar project development to its end is about 3 to 5 years. This period can reach up to 7 years in the case of high-stakes sites. This time frame is primarily impacted by the feasibility and acceptability of the project.

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