Benten Numa irrigation pond Laketricity Japan

Benten Numa

Floating solar plant on an irrigation pond

Homepage | Our projects | Benten Numa

A floating PV project developed by Laketricity: discover the Benten Numa floating solar power plant installed on an irrigation reservoir in Japan.

Our role on the project

  • Project development & management
  • Stakeholder consultation & building permit issuance
  • PPA negotiation & financing
  • Construction assistance & supervision
  • Operation & Asset management
  • Maintenance

1489 kWp Power generation capacity

49% Coverage ratio

About Benten Numa project

Location Saitama, Japan
Capacity 1489 kWp
Domestic consumption equivalence 360 homes
Tons of CO2 emissions saved 950 tons
Operational start date August 2024
Application Irrigation pond

About the Irrigation pond

Pond size 2 ha
Maximum depth 6.75 m
Water type Fresh water
Power plant size 0.9 ha
% of coverage 49%

Technical specifications

Number of solar panels installed in Saitama 2240
Panels specifications 665W, Canadian Solar

About anchoring

Anchoring type At the bottom
Anchor type Screw anchor

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