Floating solar panels on an irrigation pond
Hanaoka Ike is located in Minamiawaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, which is locally renowned for its onion production. The pond is owned by the City and managed by the local farmer’s association. A pond near Hanaoka Ike has hosted a floating solar project which has therefore started to generate renewable energy in return for paying rent for surface rental. This new neighboring project sparked the idea among other local farmers. The Minamiawaji Farmers’ Association quickly sought to secure its own financial independence and was able to achieve this by developing a floating solar power plant with Laketricity. Since its connection to the grid in 2020, the regular rental payments have been used to repair local waterways and purchase pumping equipment for the ponds.
Electricity is provided to KANSAI Electric Power Company under FIT scheme (Feed-In Tariff).
2289 kWp Power generation capacity
48% Coverage ratio
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