Floating solar panels on an irrigation pond
Magase Ike is located in Awaji Island, Minamiawaji City, Hyogo prefecture. The pond where the project is installed is owned by the town and 5 districts administrate it. The pond’s water is for agricultural use only. The first contact to the Administrator of the 5 districts was in June 2018, and we started power generation in May 2021.
The 5 districts wanted steady, passive income streams while maintaining the use of the pond for agricultural irrigation. They asked the Town to support our project, which would enable them to benefit from various advantages through the development of the floating photovoltaic project. Indeed, with limited land space available, floating solar power appears to be the ideal solution for increasing green energy production without taking up land.
The electricity is provided to KANSAI Electric Power Company under FIT (Feed-In Tariff) scheme.
2662 kWp Power generation capacity
50% Coverage ratio
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