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A floating solar plant for your industrial and commercial activity

You wish to save money on your energy bills and decarbonize your industrial activity? The development of a solar power plant on water, within your infrastructure, is the solution we offer at Laketricity.

Floating photovoltaics are a long-term answer to reducing your electricity bills, whether through self-consumption or resale of the energy produced on the grid. An industrial or commercial activity can also be energy-intensive. By generating electricity directly on your site, you can optimize your consumption requirements thanks to intelligent battery coupling.

At Laketricity, we consider your day-to-day business to be a priority. The floating photovoltaic power plant is a complementary asset that adds value to your site. Its main objective is to help you control your budgets and give you 30-year visibility on the cost of electricity for your operation.

What are the advantages of developing a floating solar power plant on an industrial or commercial pond?

Floating solar energy offers many economic and ecological advantages. Find out what it has to offer.

  • Over 30 years of rental income to enhance the value of an unutilized property,
  • Reduce your energy bills by generating renewable electricity in at your facilities,
  • Control energy costs thanks to 30-year visibility through the operation of the floating solar power plant,
  • Cover the energy consumption peaks of your plant or business via intelligent battery coupling and avoid electrical shutdowns,
  • Reduce your reliance on the power grid and its limits,
  • Maintain existing activities on site.

Overall, floating solar power is an undeniable source of financing when it comes to optimizing your business, thanks to regular rental payments over more than 30 years.

Discover the Sugu #2 project
Floating solar panels on a water retention pond

Learn about this floating solar power plant in Taiwan. 3,840 PV modules installed on a water retention pond. The whole structure covers 28% of the water surface. The anchoring was made with anchors on the banks of the pond.

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Discover the Sugu #1 project
Floating solar applied on a water retention pond

A floating solar project developed by Laketricity: discover the Sugu #1 floating PV power plant installed on a water retention reservoir in Taiwan. The floating structure covers 15% of the total water surface. The floating solar power plant was anchored using a hybrid method: at the bottom of the pond, but also...

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Why should you choose Laketricity ?

Choosing Laketricity means opting for a partner who is 100% dedicated to floating solar power (plusand energy storage)  – focused entirely on the success of your projects. We support you at every stage in the development of your floating photovoltaic panel project: from preliminary studies, through construction management and operation, right up to the dismantling of the floating solar power plant and site restoration.

To do so, we take charge of the consultation phases to ensure that the project is well integrated into its environment and that it is accepted by the local community. We’ll make sure your floating solar power plant is adapted to your needs, while respecting your existing activities.

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