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Public authorities & private owners

Would you like to develop solar energy in your community, but you don’t have enough available land? You probably have untapped water bodies that can be used! Floating solar power is the third pillar of solar energy.

As a public authority, are you wondering how to integrate it into your territory and your energy transition policy? Our teams are here to support you throughout its development.

And if you’re a private owner, we’re here to help you make the most of your water body while contributing to sustainable development on your own scale.

What are the advantages of developing a floating solar project in your area?

Whether you’re a local authority looking to develop a solar project or a private owner, floating photovoltaic panels offer several advantages. Find out what they are:

  • Develop and manage local energy production solutions to meet future energy needs,
  • Become a key player in the energy transition by producing energy locally,
  • Offer green energy to your community, your fellow citizens and future generations,
  • Benefit from sustainable economic spin-offs via local taxes or property fees,
  • Provide you with long-term financial security by receiving a monthly rent,
  • Fit harmoniously into the national policy of accelerating renewable energy development,
  • Avoid conflicts of use and maintain the original activity of your site while producing clean energy: floating solar panels can be integrated into existing activities such as fishing, drinking water treatment, etc.

Our approach is to develop a project that is embedded in the local area, for the benefit of the region and its inhabitants. To achieve this, we adopt a collaborative approach involving all stakeholders.

Our mission is to successfully integrate the floating solar project into your community in the best possible way: environmentally, socially and economically.

Discover the Windsor, California project
Floating solar panels on a water treatment plant

Around every two years, the city of Windsor measures its greenhouse gas emissions and analyzes them with the aim of reducing them. In 2017, it was found that 38% of the city's carbon footprint was due to wastewater treatment facilities. To mitigate the impact of the sewage treatment plant, the city of...

Discover the project

Words from representatives who have taken the plunge into floating solar power

This floating solar project is the biggest in California and we are really proud of that. We can be the leader and show the other municipalities and water agencies what they can do. We expect to save up to $87000 per year in our energy cost. Up to $4millions over the 25 years of the power purchase agreement.

Debora Fudge, Vice mayor of the Town of Windsor, California.

Why choosing Laketricity?

At Laketricity, our priority is to develop floating photovoltaic projects that meet your local challenges. We make sure they fit in with your local development policy.

We support you at every stage of project development: from preliminary studies, through construction management, right up to the dismantling and rehabilitation of the floating solar power plant.

The entire process is carried out in consultation with the various stakeholders to ensure local commitment. This can take the form of a customized design for the floating solar power plant, or additional features to support the biodiversity development or the social life of your community.

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