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A floating photovoltaic power plant for your water treatment plant

Looking to preserve your water resources while reducing your water treatment plant’s energy bills? Floating solar power makes it happen!

Floating photovoltaic power plants can be installed on any type of water body, including water treatment reservoirs. Our projects are built using certified floating technologies compatible with drinking water, and we design floating solar power plants to meet your specific needs and activities.

Water treatment is an industrial activity that requires a great deal of electricity to operate. Deploying a floating solar power plant allows you to either use the energy produced to cover your own electricity consumption, or to provide an additional source of income through long-term rent.

Our teams of experts will support you throughout the development of your project with solutions tailored to your business.

Developing a floating solar power plant on a water treatment pond: what are the advantages?

Floating solar power is compatible with a wide range of activities, including water treatment. Let’s find out more about its benefits:

  • Preserving resources. Water is an increasingly scarce resource. This is a major challenge if we are to ensure an ecological transition, and not just an energy one. Floating solar power helps preserve it, by limiting evaporation,
  • Respect water quality and treatment processes by choosing technologies that are certified and compatible with water intended for human consumption,
  • Meet your energy consumption needs 24/7 thanks to intelligent battery coupling,
  • Control energy costs with up to 20 years’ visibility on your electricity bills,
  • Benefit from a water coverage rate that matches your operation and your needs,
  • Rent for more than 30 years, allowing you to increase the value of an under-used or unused property,
  • Reduce your energy bills by generating renewable electricity on your site,
  • Meet your greenhouse gas reduction targets by harnessing the clean energy generated by the floating solar power plant.

Discover the Windsor, California project
Floating solar panels on a water treatment plant

Around every two years, the city of Windsor measures its greenhouse gas emissions and analyzes them with the aim of reducing them. In 2017, it was found that 38% of the city's carbon footprint was due to wastewater treatment facilities. To mitigate the impact of the sewage treatment plant, the city of...

Discover the project

A word from the operators who have taken the plunge

We are really kind in a quandary is how to make such a large solar array to get rid of our carbon footprint for the treatment plant. With the available land we have, we would certainly not have been able to put a big enough solar array to power 95% of our anticipated plant usage and also the courtyard and the geysers pump station we run. We do have the surface area on ponds just not on land.

Garrett Broughton, Associate Civil Engineer, Town of Windsor

Why should you choose Laketricity?

When you choose to work with Laketricity, you will be supported by a partner 100% dedicated to floating solar power, offering an installation tailored to your site. We take charge of every stage in the floating photovoltaic power plant development, including preliminary studies, construction management, operation and decommissioning, while guaranteeing site restoration.

We ensure that your project meets your needs and serves your core business. We also take charge of the consultation phases, to guarantee the project’s integration into its environment and local acceptance.

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